Wellbeing Plans.

By Petra Velzboer.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) defines Mental Health as a state of well-being in which the individual
realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is
able to make a contribution to his or her community. Therefore, when creating a mentally healthy culture, we
are thinking about everyone, not just those who may be visibly struggling. We are working towards the premise that
everyone has the right to feel fulfilled at work and be part of a community that supports them as a whole person, not
just a role or a task.

The future of work is a huge shift, and that shift is being brought to life by individuals like you who are passionate about making a difference.

So many of you are tasked with wellbeing plans
Actions, initiatives and strategies
From puppy cuddles, to yoga, to webinars, you may be overflowing with resources and places for people to feel well

But what we know now is engagement is dropping
People are leaving
Burnout, collapse, and anxieties are impacting your workforce

But why — when there’s just so much for them to do!?

Well maybe it’s less about doing things and more about being human.
Maybe, there’s not just the strategy you’re tasked with but key ways to bring that strategy to life.

Starting from you!

When’s the last time YOU asked someone a more powerful question than ‘how are you’?
When’s the last time YOU, the wellbeing lead, reached out for support or were open about the struggle?
When’s the last time YOU were brave enough to feel great, invest in yourself AND talk about it?

All this and more is how you bring your strategy to life and start the ripple effect of change in your workplace.

For practical, current advice on how to not only build your wellbeing strategy but crucially, BRING IT TO LIFE… download my free manifesto for a new world of work and let me know what you think!


If you would like to connect with Petra click here https://thelondonlifecoachingcompany.com/directory/listing/petra-velzeboer/

Petra recently did an interview with Michelle Tennant which I found very insightful, if you are passionate about mental wellbeing at work then have a look at this https://medium.com/authority-magazine/mental-health-champions-why-how-petra-velzeboer-of-pvl-is-helping-to-champion-mental-wellness-d5ad71f36164

Posted in Work Place Wellbeing.