Our coach Petra Velzeboer now a Author

I’m so excited and pleased to announce that one if our coaches Petra Velzeboer has just had a book published, and what a book it is! I am proud to say I was one of the first to read it from cover to cover and I can honestly say I could not put it down. A story of no matter what our start in life, how bad things get, or what situation we find ourselves in. There is always a way to make good! There are some wonderful insights into how we can all invest in our mental health, but we in my opinion a much needed enthesis on, one size doesn’t fit all, and how experimenting with new things can open doors and pathways that lead to learning. I will drop some more details below but the book is called Begin with you, go a grab a copy and please let us know what you think. Available on Amazon and all other big providers.

Also if you would like to know a little more about Petra’s story before committing to the book, you can get an insight here. https://inews.co.uk/inews-lifestyle/children-of-god-cult-escaping-lonely-outside-world-2319389

Too many of us work through burnout and sacrifice our work-life balance to get ahead in our careers. But the real path to success and happiness begins with you. Rather than just accepting the fatigue and burnout, renowned mental health expert Petra Velzeboer shows you how to prioritize your wellbeing and mental health at work. From recognizing the impact of internal and external influences to learning support mechanisms, Begin With You offers you key strategies that will lead to a rewarding life and career. Petra Velzeboer draws upon her personal experiences of trauma and hardship to offer insights on how you can overcome difficult periods and develop a positive outlook. Packed with case studies and psychological research, Begin With You is the essential guide to becoming a mental health champion and transforming your career and life for the better.

Publisher: Kogan Page Ltd
Number of pages: 216


“Navigate the tangled web of mental health and its relationship to modern work life.” * Vernon Bainton, Chief Medical Officer, Havas Lynx Group *
“Petra brings through a reality and pragmatism when it comes to finding your wellness in this busy, chaotic world we live and work in. Written from the heart and spoken with care.” * Kirstin Furber, People Director, Channel 4 *
“This book brings inspiration, practical thinking and true thought leadership that I would recommend to anyone who wants a new angle on how to view their wellbeing at work.” * Stella Smith, CEO & founder, pirkx *
“Petra offers empowering practices for claiming ourselves, our wellbeing, and our communities. I felt energized and hopeful reading Petra’s book. You will too.” * Dr Ardeshir Mehran, psychologist and author *
“This book guides the reader through an exploration of how our personal and professional lives are interconnected, allowing us to embrace the idea of focusing on ourselves in order to achieve success at work.” * Miriam Zylberglait Lisigurski, MD, FACP *
“Petra is in a class of her own! Her passion is focused on helping others and her approach comes from a place of lived experience – an experience that she shares so transparently and unabashedly. This is all reflected in this book and what makes it such a solid, authentic source.” * Rondette Amoy Smith, Head of Diversity & Inclusion, EMEA, Nomura *
Begin With You is a must-read for virtually anyone: whether you are wanting to build a mental health strategy, are an entrepreneur or business owner, or are just interested in practical steps to improve your own mental health. Petra’s approach can benefit us all.” * Hannah Meredith, Health and Wellbeing Partner, MVF Global *
“We know a lot about investing in our success, but do we know and talk enough about investing in our mental health? Are we even listening? Petra Velzeboer leads the way and shines a light through the maze of tools and set constructs defined by employers and medical professionals. This book is lively, passionate, somehow even intimate at times where it feels like a cosy conversation with a friend.” * Eva-Christie Bessala, Director, Global Clients Pricing and Procurement, PwC *
If you would like to reach out to Petra you can find her here. https://thelondonlifecoachingcompany.com/directory/listing/petra-velzeboer/
Posted in Leadership Coaching, Work Place Wellbeing.